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  • many more pennies than any player thus ensuring that the player is much more likely than the casino to experience gambler's ruin; Roulette is one of the most popular online casino games of all time. It has been played and enjoyed by enthusiasts and professional gamblers alike since at least 1765. Today's internet version of roulette is only the most recent development in the long, amazing evolution of an amazing and exciting game. History There are many scenarios where the gambler's fallacy might superficially seem to apply, where it in fact does not. [edit] If the dealer's upcard is an Ace, the player is offered the option of taking Insurance before the dealer checks his 'hole card'. Double down: Double the wager, take exactly one more card, and then stand. If the 'Banker' has an initial total of 8 or 9, this is a natural and neither the 'Player' nor the 'Banker' draw further cards. The croupier, having shuffled the cards, hands them for the same purpose to the players to the right and left of him, the banker being entitled to shuffle them last, and to select the person by whom they shall be cut. Each punter having made his stake, the banker deals three cards, the first to the player on his right, the second to the player on his left, and the third to himself; then three more in like manner. The five punters on the right (and any bystanders staking with them) win or lose by the cards dealt to that side; the five others by the cards dealt to the left side. The rules as to turning up with eight or nine, offering and accepting cards, and so on, are the same as at Baccarat Chemin de Fer. These are common misunderstandings that arise in everyday reasoning about probabilities, many of which have been studied in great detail. Many people lose money while gambling due to their erroneous belief in this fallacy. Although the gambler's fallacy can apply to any form of gambling, it is easiest to illustrate by considering coin-tossing; its rebuttal can be summarised with the phrase "the coin doesn't have a memory". A casino generally has:
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